Learning Support

At Lough View Integrated Primary School we aim to meet the needs of all our children by putting in place strategies to remove barriers to learning in order to help each child reach their potential and become independent, autonomous and confident learners. We teach using multisensory strategies and resources in order to meet the needs of all of our learners;matching teaching with learning styles.
As a mainstream school we cater for children who have a wide range of abilities, strengths and challenges. Some of the challenges may be longer term; some a temporary barrier to learning.
Meeting the needs of each child is the responsibility of the class teacher who will differentiate their teaching and make reasonable adjustments. At times, teaching and learning will be supported by a Learning Assistant. Additionally, if your child is experiencing greater difficulties than their peers the Learning Support teacher may be in the position to offer, through the class teacher and with your knowledge, additional support. This is possibly as part of a small group withdrawn for a specific programme. Some of these children may be on the SEN Register and have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) with specific targets, writtenby the teacher and supported by the Learning Support teacher.
Occasionally, a child may receive additional one to one support for a Specific Learning Difficulty eg dyslexia as identified by an Educational Psychologist Education Authority) as part of provision at the current Stage 3 of the SEN Code of Practice.
Additional Information can be found on the Learning Support flyer and in the SEN Policy.
Learning Support Co-ordinator:
Ms A Keenan akeenan937@c2kni.net
Learning Support Teacher/ Newcomer teacher:
Mrs J McCausland
Lough View Integrated Primary School, 63 Church Road, Belfast BT6 9SA | Phone: 028 9040 1347